

Occasionally, problems may occur in the software or an error messages may appear. For such cases, we have created a step-by-step troubleshooting guide that you can use to try to fix the problem. This guide will take you through the process of identifying possible difficulties and finding appropriate solutions.

As a first step, we recommend that you delete the temporary files. In many cases, this will resolve the problem. However, if the problem persists, we recommend that you check and consider the following options.

Deleting temporary data

  1. Open the Settings menu, which can usually be accessed through the gear icon.
  2. Look for the option to Delete temporary data and select it.
  3. Tick all three options: Delete temporary data, Delete downloaded designs, and Delete thumbnails.
  4. Confirm the deletion by selecting Delete now.
  5. A dialogue box will appear, indicating that the software needs to be closed. Please close the software.
  6. Restart the software to complete the process.
    If you encounter the error message again, please consider the following troubleshooting steps:

Images cannot be displayed/loaded

If you encounter issues with images not being displayed or loaded, please consider the following steps for troubleshooting:

  1. Start by verifying that the images are saved in a supported file format and colour space.
  2. To avoid potential permission issues, you can also try saving the images to your desktop as a test.
  3. Make sure you folders or file numbers do not contain any emojis. If they do, removing them will solve the issue.

For macOS users, follow these additional steps:

  1. Allow the design software full access to your hard drive. You can do this by going to the Security > Privacy > Full Disk Access section in your system preferences.
  2. In that section, specify the design software as an application that should have full disk access. By adding it here, the software should be able to access your image sources.
  3. Make sure you have granted access to Apple Photos for the Saal Design Program in your operating system settings. You can do this by going to the System Preferences > Privacy & Security > Photos. Enable access to your Prints for the Saal Digital app in the list.

You should then be able to access them.

Trouble Accessing Images on NAS or Cloud

The issue you’re facing is that you’re unable to reach or view images stored on your NAS (Network Attached Storage) or in your cloud service. To fix this problem, follow these steps:

Assign a drive letter: Imagine your NAS or cloud service as a digital storage space. To access files, your computer needs a specific way to identify and reach that space, like a letter for a specific room. In this case, you need to assign a drive letter to your NAS or cloud storage, which is like giving that storage space a unique name. This helps your computer find and access the images you want.

Trouble accessing images on a USB drive

If you’re having trouble accessing these images directly from the USB storage device, one solution is to copy the images to a folder on your computer’s internal storage. You should be able to access your images now.

Bold and italics not available in all fonts

Some fonts do not support bold or italicised characters. This is due to the font itself and is not a fault of the software. To get bold or italicised text, you should choose fonts that offer these styles.

The file could not be saved

If you receive the message The file could not be saved when exporting a project or creating a PDF from a project, make sure that the software has full access rights to the folder where you want to save the files, or select a different folder.

For macOS users, follow these additional steps:

  1. Allow the design software full access to your hard drive. You can do this by going to the Security > Privacy > Full Disk Access section in your system preferences.
  2. In this section, add the design software as an application that should have full disk access. By adding it here, the software should be able to save the files.

Error message always on the same page in a project

If you experience the issue on specific pages, you can resolve it by following these steps:

  1. Select the affected pages and delete all their contents from the project. To do this, navigate to the right pane and click on Page. Then, choose Select All to highlight all elements.
  2. Press the delete key on your keyboard to remove the selected elements. Ensure that no elements remain in the Layers section.
  3. Next, rename the image files associated with the project. Then, copy and paste the content, including the renamed image files, text boxes, and other elements, back into the pages.
  4. Finally, save the project under a new name to ensure that the changes are applied.

Project is shown as invalid

A project being displayed as invalid could be caused by a temporary problem on your local computer system when saving the project data. Please right-click on the affected project. You should be able to open the last 5 backups of your project under Backup.

Project View is empty

Have you saved projects in the software, but now your project list is empty? This is because the locally saved projects can no longer be found. Proceed as follows:

  1. Check the project folder: Go to the software settings and find the path to the project folder. This path indicates where your projects are stored.
  2. Check that the path is correct: Make sure the path to the project folder is correct and known to the software.
  3. Grant access: If you have moved the project folder, for example to an external drive, make sure that drive is connected to your system. The software needs access to view the projects. Save the correct path in the preferences.

By following these steps, you should be able to see your projects in the Project View again.

Missing projects after computer change

If you have replaced your old computer with a new one, you will need to transfer any previously created projects that are not stored online between the old and new systems:

Export the project locally:

  1. Open the software and load the project you want
  2. Click on Share or Export Project in the top menu bar
  3. Save the project as an SSWPRM file on an external storage device

Import the project onto the new computer:

  1. Ensure that the software is installed on the new computer
  2. Go to Projects in the software
  3. Click Import Project and select the previously exported SSWPRM file.

Important note: If you do not have access to your old computer and the projects are not stored online, we unfortunately cannot restore them.

The order cannot be uploaded

If you are experiencing difficulties uploading your order, please consider the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Start by checking your computer’s settings to determine if a firewall or antivirus program is blocking the software.
  2. If you find that the software is being blocked, you will need to unblock it within these programs.
  3. By unblocking the software, you should be able to upload your order without any further problems.
  4. Please restart your system completely if it’s not working. If you have tried the previous steps and are still unable to upload your order, it may be helpful to perform a complete system restart. Restarting your computer can often resolve temporary glitches or conflicts that may be preventing the upload process from functioning properly.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of being unable to upload your order successfully.

Payment window not displayed

When you try to make a payment for your order, a window should open in your web browser where you can complete the payment. However, some people are experiencing a problem where this payment window doesn’t appear. The following error message appears: The payment window opens in your default browser. Please complete the payment there.

Check that you have set a default web browser in your computer’s settings. A default browser is the one that opens automatically when you click on a link or open a web page. If you don’t have one set, you’ll need to choose your favourite web browser and set it as your default.

Once you have set your default browser, close and re-open the software and try to complete the order process again.

Following these steps, the payment window should now appear and you can proceed with your payment. Don’t worry, the items you want to buy will still be in your shopping basket, so you won’t lose them during this process.

Software stops responding or hangs

If you come across a situation where the software stops responding or appears to be frozen, the recommended solution is to restart your system / your computer. This action is highly effective in resolving the problem in nearly all cases.

Software is very slow or takes a long time to access images

Can be caused by anti-virus or anti-malware software, which can interrupt file access and cause these problems. You can try disabling the specific software you are using to see if this fixes the problem.

However, we strongly recommend that you do not use a system without proper anti-virus software installed.

Unable to install or start software

If you are encountering issues with installing or starting the desktop software, please take the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  1. Verify the compatibility of the software with your operating system. Ensure that your operating system meets the minimum requirements specified by the software.
  2. Check if the software is being blocked by your firewall or antivirus program.
  3. If the software is being blocked, it might be due to your firewall or virus scanner/antivirus program. In such cases, please unblock the software within these programs.

By performing these actions, you should be able to address the problem of being unable to install or start the software successfully.

Software starts in offline mode

If you find that the software only starts in offline mode, this indicates that it does not have access to the Internet. Very limited functionality is available when you are working in offline mode as the software requires an internet connection to work correctly. To resolve this issue, please follow the steps below.

  1. Check your computer’s settings to see if a firewall or antivirus program is blocking the software’s access to the Internet.
  2. If you find that it is blocking the software’s access to the Internet, check your computer’s settings. If you find that the software is being blocked by these programs, you will need to unblock them.
  3. If you unblock the software in your firewall or antivirus program, you should be able to reconnect to the Internet.
  4. Once you have unblocked the software, it should work properly.

Still having problems?

Install the software onto a different computer, export your project and import it onto that system. Check if any issues you experienced are then resolved. If you still continue to encounter problems, we are here to assist you. Please reach out to our customer care team and provide the following information:

  1. Describe the steps you took leading up to the appearance of the error message. This will help us understand the context of the issue.
  2. Send us a screenshot of the problem you are experiencing.
  3. Inform us about the name and version of your operating system. This information will help us narrow down potential compatibility issues.
  4. Provide us with the error log. To access the error log, click on the Settings button (gear icon) located in the top right corner of the software. In the window that opens, click on the Open folder with log file button. Please send us all log files from the last 7 days.

By providing this information to our customer support team using the form provided, we will be better able to investigate the issue and provide you with the necessary assistance. Your input will help us understand and resolve the issue you are experiencing. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with the requested information.


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