Projects management

Projects management

If you have an account and are logged in, you can save your projects to Saal Cloud and access them from any device via the Online Designer. This allows you to work on your designs at your own pace and save them for future use.

Save a project

Photo Book designed

To save your project, simply click on the Save button in the top menu of the Online Designer. A window will appear asking you to enter a name for your project. Once you have entered the desired name, click on Save. If your project has already been saved, clicking on Save will open the same window with the existing project name. Click on Save again to save any changes you have made. If you change the name, for example by adding a number such as 02, a copy of the project will be created with the new name, leaving the original project unaffected.

Save project window

Projects menu

All your saved projects can be easily managed in the Projects menu. You can access this menu by clicking on the corresponding button in the top menu of the Online Designer or from the left-hand menu once you have logged in.

Projects folder

Each project is listed with details of its status, product information and the title under which it is saved. Selecting a project will bring up a column on the right providing various management options. Clicking on Edit Project allows you to open the project in the Online Designer. You can also add the project to the cart, change its settings, duplicate it, convert it to another article, delete it, and more. These features and more are available with a Photo Portal account. It allows you to access free storage, share projects and photos, get feedback, create a profile page and even have the potential to earn money from your photography work. To explore all the account options and benefits available to you, we encourage you to visit Saal Photo Portal.

Settings and functions displayed

To easily find specific projects, you can use the Search box at the top and apply filters and sorting options by clicking the filter icon next to the search box.

Search box and filter options

Projects folders

To organise your work effectively, categorise your projects into folders. To create a new folder, click Add and select New folder. Enter a name of your choice and click Create. The folder will appear in the Projects menu. If you wish to move a project into a folder, simply click on the three-dot icon next to the project to reveal its options, or select the project to reveal its details and functions in the right-hand column. In the Functions section you will find a Move to button. Clicking it will display the folders created, allowing you to move the project to one of them.

Project selected to be moved to a folder

Selecting a folder will display the projects it contains. Once inside a folder, the Add button allows you to create sub-folders to improve your organisational structure.

Within a folder with folder options displayed

Clicking the three-dot button next to the folder displays a menu that allows you to Move to a different location, Rename the folder or Delete it.

Share projects

One of the benefits of using the Online Designer and having an account is the ability to share your photo projects with others. This allows you to get feedback. To share a project, go to your project folder and select the project you wish to share. Click Share settings in the right column to access the sharing options.

Project selected on project folder

From the Online Designer you will find the Share button in the top menu. This will bring up the Save Project window, followed by the Share settings window to activate sharing.

Share settings window deactivated

Once sharing is activated, various options will appear to allow you to customize how you share your project.

Share settings options

You can protect your shared project with a password. You must manually share the password with users to give them access. The Shared link to your project is available here, allowing you to copy, open or email it. If you have contacts in your account, you can share the project directly with them by clicking Share with contacts. You can also enter a shared title and description, add translations, and even publish the project to your profile page if you wish.

Shared project

After configuring the sharing settings, click Save. The status of your project will be updated to Shared in your project folder. You can stop sharing the project at any time by accessing Share Settings and deselecting Activate Sharing.

Recover deleted Projects from the Recycle Bin

If you’ve deleted an online project in the last 30 days, you can recover it. You must be logged in to do this. Once logged in, go to the Projects folder. Click on the filter button in the top right-hand corner and select Show deleted.

Filter options

Your Recycle bin will open, containing all the deleted projects from the last 30 days. Click on the project you wish to restore. When a project is selected, a column with two functions appears on the right:
Restore elements returns the selected project to the Projects menu.
Delete irrevocably permanently deletes the selected project from the recycle bin and releases the corresponding storage space.

Recycle bin folder and restore option

In addition, clicking the Empty recycle bin button will permanently delete all projects in the recycle bin.
To return to your Projects folder, click on the cross on the Filter: Show deleted.


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