Your settlements

Your settlements

Saal Photo Portal does not receive any commission on the sale of your images. This means that the profit from the sale of your images goes entirely to you.

For digital files, the absolute price you set will be credited in full, for photo products, it will be credited less the cost of creating the photo product.

Sample calculation

For example, if the cost of a product is 100 € and you decide to set a profit of 30%, the selling price will be 130 € and your profit will be 30 €. No fee is applied by Photo Portal.

Selling price: 130 €
Cost of a product: 100 €
Your Profit: 30 €

In addition, if you decide to upgrade your account to a Saal Digital Professional Account, you will receive a 35% discount on all products. Continuing with the previous example, if the cost of a product is 100 € and you set a profit of 35%, leaving a selling price of 130 €, your earnings will be 65 €. This is 30 € of the chosen profit and 35 € representing the 35% discount from your Saal Digital Professional Account.

Selling price: 130 €
Cost of a product: 70 €
Your Profit: 65 €


The date on which the amount of your earnings will be credited to your payout account can be found in Your Settlements section, within the Sales panel. There you will also find all the detailed information about your earnings, grouped by month.

You will find an overview for each month and can download the credit directly.

The profit will be credited to the payout method that you have specified in the Payment method section within Accounts.

Small business regulation

Small businesses can also use our portal on a regular basis. In all cases, Saal Digital issues the invoice. As a small business owner, you receive your profit and do not have to issue an invoice.