
To-do List

The first time you click on the Sales panel, a wizard will appear to help you fill in all the information you need to set up your account and start selling your photos and earning money.


If you have not completed some of the steps, you will see a To-dos button appear in the Sales panel menu at the top.

To-do icon

When you click on it, you will see a list of the items you need to complete to start marketing your images. The information that has already been completed will appear with a green tick. The information that still needs to be completed will have a grey hourglass icon to indicate that you need to complete it.

To-do list on Sales panel

Clicking on any of these items will automatically take you to the specified panel where you can enter the relevant details. Once you have completed each item in the list, you will notice that the To-dos button disappears from the Sales panel menu. This means that your account is ready to start selling and making money.

Sales panel without To-do list


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