Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows

Ctrl + S: Save
Ctrl + C: Copy the current selection
Ctrl + V: Paste the previously copied objects
Ctrl + X: Cut the current selection
Ctrl + Z: Undo
Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo
Ctrl + O: Open project
Ctrl + A: Select all
Ctrl + Shift + A: Deselect all
Ctrl + D: Deselect all
Ctrl + Shift + I: Invert selection
Del or Backspace: Delete the current selection
Arrow keys: Move the current selection
Ctrl + ß: Bringing selection to the front
Ctrl + ´: Bringing selection to the back
Middle click or long left click: Activates image swap mode
Ctrl + H: Switch grid on or off
Ctrl + +: Zoom in
Ctrl + -: Zoom out
Ctrl + 0: Automatic zoom (complete page visible)
Space bar: Move mode (as long as the key is pressed)
Ctrl + Q: Exit application
Ctrl + right arrow key: Next page
Ctrl + left arrow key: Previous page

Keyboard shortcuts for macOS

Cmd + S: Save
Cmd + C: Copy the current selection
Cmd + V: Paste the previously copied objects
Cmd + X: Cut the current selection
Cmd + Z: Undo
Cmd + Y or Cmd + Shift + Z: Redo
Cmd + O: Open project
Cmd + A: Select all
Cmd + Shift + A: Deselect all
Cmd + D: Deselect all
Cmd + Shift + I: Invert selection
Backspace: Deletes the current selection
Arrow keys: Moves the current selection
Cmd + ß: Bringing selection to the front
Cmd + ´: Bringing selection to the back
Middle click or long left click: Activates image swap mode
Cmd + H: Switch grid on or off
Cmd + +: Zoom in
Cmd + -: Zoom out
Cmd + 0: Automatic zoom (complete page visible)
Space bar: Move mode (as long as key is pressed)
Cmd + Q: Exit application
Cmd + right arrow key: Next page
Cmd + left arrow key: Previous page


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