
Saal Digital Corporation

8000 Towers Crescent Drive
FL 13
Vienna, VA 22182


Legal notices, quality assurance, exclusion clauses

We make every effort to ensure that the information provided on our website is correct, current and complete at all times, and therefore change or supplement it as necessary on an ongoing basis and without prior notice. Nevertheless, we must exclude any guarantee, liability or warranty for correctness, topicality and completeness. This also applies to all references, the so-called ‘hyperlinks’, which we offer directly or indirectly on this website. We cannot take any responsibility for the contents of such external sites, which you reach by means of a link or other references.

Furthermore, we are not liable for direct or indirect damages (including lost profits) which can be traced back to information on these external websites. The content of this website is protected by copyright. The contents of our website may not be passed on to third parties against payment. The copyright also prohibits the storage and reproduction of images or graphics from our website.

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